We Are
NEA Danbury
We are a labor organization that represents the dedicated teachers who work within Danbury's Public Schools. We work to ensure that our teacher's contractual rights, wages, and benefits are fair. We work to advocate for our students and to make improvements in public education. We believe that when we work for a unified cause, we are truly stronger together.
For General Information
Contact Us:
To contact the President of NEA Danbury:

NEA Danbury Officers​
President Secretary
Erin Daly Melinda Scott
mrserindaly@gmail.com melindascott13@gmail.com
Vice President Treasurer
Julian Shafer Josh Richter
nea.danbury.shafer@gmail.com mrjoshrichter@gmail.com
Are you a NEA Danbury newbie? Make sure to grab your NEA
t-shirts to demonstrate we are stronger together. Reach out to your building rep or contact Mary Jo Bohrman at mrs.maryjobohrman@gmail.com

NEA-Danbury Delegate Elections
On March 3-4, 2025, the Local will hold, if necessary, its scheduled district wide election of delegates to the CEA and NEA Representative Assemblies in May and July, respectively.
Delegates hold their seats for 1 year and are responsible for voting on state and national New Business Items, Resolutions and Amendments, and vote for state and national officers and directors. Opportunities to join committees of interest abound.
Those interested in running for the delegate seats will be responsible for attending the state caucus (May 9-10 at Mohegan Sun) and if they choose, the national caucus (July 2-6 in Portland, Ore.).
The application deadline is January 30. Click HERE to access and submit an application.
2025 NEA- Danbury Scholarship
High school seniors who are children of NEA-Danbury members are eligible to apply for the union’s student scholarship awards. Four $1,500 scholarships will be awarded.
The application deadline is March 28, 2025 5 p.m.
Questions? Reach out to Julian Shafer at nea.danbury.shafer@gmail.com.
Click HERE to access and submit an application.
Union Pride - Union Strong