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Bylaws and Constitution

For questions about our Constitution and Bylaws, please reach out to Vice President Tom Ross

NEA-Danbury Constitution and Bylaws









NEA-Danbury Constitution and Bylaws


Adopted 1995 

Revised 1997 2001 2005 2010 2013 2016 2019 2021 2023

This document reflects the most current language of the Constitution and its Bylaws 




Article 1. Name 

The name of this organization shall be the National Education Association-Danbury. (Henceforth known as the Association) 

Article 2. Objectives 

The objectives of this organization shall be to promote the best interests of education, to improve the professional status of its members and to cooperate with the Connecticut Education Association (CEA) and the National Educational Association (NEA) for the purposes of mutual professional advancement. 

Article 3. Membership 

3.1 All certified, non administrative, professional employees (below the rank of Superintendent) of the Board of Education in the City of Danbury shall be eligible for active membership, providing that they are also enrolled as active members of the CEA and the NEA.

3.2 Other employees of the Danbury Board of Education shall be eligible for one of the classes of membership as provided in the Bylaws.

3.3 Adherence to the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession adopted by the Association shall be a condition of continuance of membership.

3.4 The Association shall not deny membership to individuals on the basis of race, creed, national origin, age, or sex, nor shall any organization which so denies membership be affiliated with the Association.

3.5 All rights, titles and interest, both legal and equitable, of a member in and to the property of the Association shall end upon termination of such membership. 

Article 4. Expulsion and Reinstatement of Members 

Expulsion and Reinstatement of members shall be governed by the procedures outlined in the Constitution of the CEA. 


Article 5. Due Process 

Due process for members shall be provided in accordance with the CEA Board Policy on Appeals Procedure. 

Article 6. Officers 

6.1. The officers of this organization shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. 

6.2. The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected for a term of three years (beginning with the 2020-21 election) or until their successors have been qualified. There is not a limit to the number of terms that an officer can serve. The President shall have release time during the term of office in accordance with provisions provided in the Association -- Board of Education contractual agreement. 

6.3. The election of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be conducted by secret ballot in accordance with the procedures defined in the Rules. The Officers shall assume position July 15, next, following the election.

6.4. Vacancies occurring by reason of death, resignation, incapacity or by other disqualifications shall be filled in accordance with procedures defined as follows: 

Filling of vacancies prior to expired term: 

1. President. A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the Vice President, who shall assume the duties of the office of President for the unexpired term of the President.
2. Vice President. A vacancy in the office of Vice President shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Board of a person who shall assume the full-time duties of Vice President duties for the unexpired term.
3. Secretary and Treasurer. A vacancy in the office of Secretary or Treasurer shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Board for the unexpired term.


Article 7. Executive Board 

In addition to the officers specified in Article 6, the Executive Board shall consist of the chairpersons of all standing committees. 

Article 8. Representative Council 

8.1. The council shall consist of representatives from each unit elected in accordance with the procedures defined in the Rules. Each unit shall have one representative per every fifteen (15) members, plus an additional representative for any major portion of fifteen (15) over the initial fifteen (15).

8.2. Each representative and alternate shall be elected for a term of one year or until a successor is qualified. 

8.3. All members are eligible to attend Representative Council meetings; only elected representatives may cast votes.

Article 9. Meetings 

9.1. The Executive Board shall meet at least monthly during the school year. Special meetings of the Board shall be at the request of the President or upon request of five (5) other Executive Board members. 

9.2. The Representative Council shall meet at least monthly during the school year. Special meetings shall be at the call of the President, the Executive Board or by written request of twenty-five percent (25%) of the elected representatives.

9.3. Meetings of the General Membership shall be special meetings to be called at the discretion of the President, the Executive Board or upon petition of seventy five percent (75%) of the members of the Association.

9.4. The most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the authority governing all matters of procedure not otherwise provided in the Constitution, Bylaws or the Rules and Procedures. 

Article 10. Quorum 

10.1. A quorum of the General Membership meetings shall consist of twenty percent (20%) of the members. 

10.2. A quorum for all other meetings shall consist of a simple majority. 

10.3. A motion to adjourn shall not require a quorum. 

Article 11.Affiliation 

This Association shall affiliate annually with the CEA and the NEA in compliance with the affiliation requirements. 

Article 12.Waivers 

Any provision of this Constitution found to be in contradiction to CEA or NEA requirements that could result in disaffiliation by CEA or NEA may be waived and operating procedures established to bring the Association into compliance by two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Board. Such waiver and operating procedures shall remain in effect until the Constitution has been duly changed. 

Article 13. Dissolution 

Upon the dissolution or liquidation of the Association, all of its assets remaining after payment of its liabilities shall be paid over to the CEA. Each member of the Association shall be deemed to have waived and relinquished all rights conferred by statute or otherwise upon members of corporations without capital stock to share in such assets upon dissolution or liquidation.

Article 14. Amendments 

This Constitution may be amended by a majority of the ballots cast by the active members, providing either (a) the amendment has been proposed by the Executive Board, or (b) the amendment has been proposed to and approved by the Representative Council with a two- thirds majority of those present and voting. Proposed amendment(s) shall be distributed to the general membership and shall become effective upon ratification unless otherwise specified. 


NEA-Danbury Bylaws 

Article 1. Objectives. The objectives of the Association shall be: 

1.1 To advance the professional rights, and to enhance professional responsibility to further the consistent development and improvement of the profession and its practitioners. 

1.2 To create in the community at large a deeper sense of dignity and importance of the teaching profession. 

1.3 To initiate and encourage programs that have as their purpose the improvement of educational opportunities offered to the youth of the Danbury Public School system. 

1.4 To represent all Association dues-paying, certified, non administrative, professional employees of the Danbury Board of Education.

1.5 To cooperate with the CEA and the NEA for the purposes of mutual professional advancement. 

Article 2. Membership

2.1 “All Association dues-paying, certified, non administrative, professional employees” shall mean a person who holds a baccalaureate or higher degree or the regular teaching, vocational or technical certificate required by his/her employment. 

2.2 There shall be five (5) classes of membership in the Association: Active, Paraprofessional, Retired, Honorary and Life. 

2.2.1 Active membership shall be open to any certified professional employee who is engaged in, or who is on a limited leave of absence from professional educational work. Active membership is limited to persons who support the principles and goals of the Association and maintain membership in the state and national affiliates (CEA, NEA) where eligible. 

2.2.2 Paraprofessional membership shall be open to persons who work directly with educators in discharging their professional duties. This membership becomes viable when paraprofessionals are recognized by the CEA. 

2.2.3 Retired membership shall be open only through membership in CEA-R. Retired members hold no voting privileges in the daily operation of the Association, nor can they run as delegates to Representative Assemblies. 

2.2.4 Honorary membership may be conferred by a two-thirds vote of the Representative Council. This membership carries no voting privileges nor can honorary members be elected delegates to Representative Assemblies.

2.2.5 Life membership may be conferred by a two-thirds vote of the Representative Council. This membership carries no voting privileges nor can honorary members be elected delegates to Representative Assemblies. 

2.3 Rights and Limitations 

2.3.1 The right to vote and to hold elective office or appointive position shall be limited to active members except as otherwise provided.

2.3.2 Active members shall be eligible to receive special services, to obtain assistance in the protection of professional and civil rights, and to receive reports and publications of the Association. Other members shall receive the above services and protections upon approval of the Representative Council.

2.3.3 An individual who is a member of the negotiating team representing a school board or representing a board of trustees of a higher education institution shall be ineligible for membership.

2.3.4 Membership shall be continuous unless terminated for just cause.

2.4 The membership year shall be September 1 through August 31. 

2.4.1 Dues shall be set as a part of the annual budget.

2.4.2 Dues shall be paid through payroll deduction. 

2.4.3 Special assessments may be recommended by the Executive Board. They shall be collected if approved by a two-thirds majority of the ballots cast by active members. 

2.4.4 The Association shall enter into a contract with the CEA governing the transmittal of Association dues. 

Article 3. Officers, Powers and duties of the Officers 

3.1 The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association and its policy leader. The President shall: 

3.1.1 Represent the Association as spokesperson on matters of policy or assign responsibility for such representation. 

3.1.2 Prepare the agenda for and preside over meetings of the Executive Board and the General Membership. 

3.1.3 Nominate, except as provided by these Bylaws, all chairpersons of committees; such chairpersons serve at the pleasure of the President, except where a term is fixed by these Bylaws. 

3.1.4 Serve as ex officio member of all committees with voting rights only in the case of a tie vote except as provided by these Bylaws. 

3.1.5 Attend and preside over the local delegation to the Representative Assemblies of the CEA and the NEA. If the President cannot attend one or both, his or her designee will attend. The designee must be another Officer, or in the event an Officer is not available, an Executive Board member.

3.1.6 Authorize orders and co-sign checks drawn on the Association's treasury. 

3.1.7 Meet regularly with Association officers and delegate duties and responsibilities, and inform them of ongoing activities of the Association.

3.1.8 Familiarize the Vice President with the duties and obligations of the presidency.

3.1.9 Present recommendations to the Executive Board and Representative Assembly to establish goals and priorities..

3.1.10 Serve as an integral part of the Association’s legislative and political action effort; ensure that all Association positions are politically sound and are compatible with Association objectives.

3.1.11 Assume the duties and responsibilities normally associated with a chief executive officer.

3.2 The Vice President shall: 

3.2.1 Act in place of the President when the President is unable to perform duties of the office.

3.2.2 Assist the President in representing the Association as spokesperson on matters of policy, and with external communication.

3.2.3 Assist the President in developing recommendations regarding Association goals and  priorities.

3.2.4 Attend Fairfield County Council Forum and regional leadership meetings as assigned by the President to create a better understanding of governance objectives and to secure direct input from CEA leaders regarding critical issues.

3.2.5 Serve as the chairperson of the Representative Council meeting. 

3.2.6 Serve as chairperson of the Nominations and Elections Committee and preside over all election proceedings.

3.2.7 Prepare and submit a list of elected delegates for the CEA RA and the NEA RA to the membership and to the required state and national associations.

3.2.8 Serve as a non-voting ex officio member of all committees except as specified in these Bylaws.

3.2.9 Attend the Representative Assemblies of the CEA and the NEA. In the event that the Vice President is unable to attend, or is attending and presiding on behalf of the president, another officer or Executive Board member shall take his/her place with the President’s approval.

           3.2.10 Attend the meetings of the CEA Fairfield County Council and its Advisory      


3.2.11 Act as fiduciary in depositing Association funds, as approved by the President and the Treasurer, into Association bank accounts.

3.2.12 Perform such duties as are stipulated by the Constitution, these Bylaws and President.

3.3 The Secretary shall: 

3.3.1 Keep a record of the proceedings of the Executive Board,  Representative Council and General Membership meetings. 

3.3.2, Carry on the correspondence of the Association and communication with its members as directed by the President. 

3.3.3 Maintain a record of all committee, financial and other reports of the Association.

3.3.4 Assist the President in coordinating the work of the Association and provide resource assistance where needed.

3.3.5 Attend Fairfield County Council Forum and regional leadership meetings as assigned by the President to create a better understanding of governance objectives and to secure direct input from CEA leaders regarding critical issues.

3.3.6 Attend the Representative Assemblies of the CEA and NEA in odd-numbered years. 

3.3.7 Perform other such duties as are stipulated by the Constitution, Bylaws and President.

3.4 The Treasurer shall: 

3.4.1 Act as receiver and custodian of all funds of the Association; make all transfers and payments from those funds as duly authorized and keep an itemized record of receipts and expenditures.

3.4.2 Make a written line item report for (1) the membership annually and (2) the regular monthly meeting of the Representative Council. 

3.4.3  Co-sign all checks of the Association.

3.4.4 Prepare, with the assistance of the Executive Board, the annual budget for presentation to the Representative Council.

3.4.5 Attend Fairfield County Council Forum and regional leadership meetings as assigned by the President to create a better understanding of governance objectives and to secure direct input from CEA leaders regarding critical issues.

3.4.6 Attend the Representative Assemblies of the CEA and the NEA in even-numbered years. 

3.4.7 Perform other such duties as are stipulated by the Constitution, Bylaws and President. 

Article 4. Executive Board - Powers and duties of the Executive Board 

4.1 The Executive Board shall: 

4.1.1 Have authority to speak for the Association between meetings of the Representative Council, formulate policies and carry on the programs of the Association.

4.1.2 It shall fill any vacancies in office that may occur between elections. 

4.1.3 Assist the Treasurer in the preparation of the annual budget. 

4.1.4 Serve as ex officio members of the Representative Council.

4.1.5 Perform other such duties as are stipulated by the Constitution, Bylaws and other such duties as are customarily assumed by the Executive Board of an association.

4.2 Limitations 

4.2.1 Only one chairperson (or co-chairpersons as applicable) from each standing committee shall serve on the Executive Board. 

4.2.2 Executive Board Meetings shall be attended by members of that Board. Others may attend with Board approval. 

Article 5. Committees 

5.1 The following committees shall be standing committees of the Association: Advisory Committee to the Superintendent, Insurance, Racial and Ethnic Diversity Affairs Committee, Health & Safety Committee, Teacher Action, Membership, Organizing, Personnel Policies (Negotiations), Professional Rights and Responsibilities (Grievance), Public Relations Internal, and Teacher Evaluation & Professional Development.

5.2 Other committees as required may be created by the President, with the approval of the Executive Board.

5.3 Chairpersons 

5.3.1 Chairpersons of standing committees shall be appointed annually by the President with the approval of the Representative Council. Co-chairpersons may be appointed.

5.3.2 Chairpersons of other committees shall be appointed by the President except as provided in these Bylaws.

5.3.3 Each committee chairperson’s report will be provided at each meeting of the Representative Council.

5.3.4 Each standing committee chairperson shall present at the last regular meeting of the Representative Council a written annual report. Chairpersons of other committees shall present a final report at said meeting or at the termination of that committee.

5.3.5 Each chairperson of a standing committee shall serve as a liaison between one unit of the Association and the Executive Board. Designation of unit liaison affiliation is at the discretion of the President. 

5.4 Membership and Responsibilities of Standing Committees 

5.4.1 Advisory Committee to the Superintendent. Members shall be elected by and from each unit's Advisory Committee to the Principal. This committee shall bring to the attention of the Superintendent any suggestions for the improvement of the school system that either cannot be implemented on the unit level or that will affect more than a single unit. It also seeks to resolve matters brought before it from the unit advisory committees. All situations that  are not resolved to the satisfaction of the teachers involved or to the satisfaction of the members of the Advisory Committee to the Superintendent within thirty (30) days of referral shall be submitted to the Association’s Professional Rights and Responsibilities Committee (Grievance). 

5.4.2 Racial and Ethnic Diverse Affairs Committee  The Chairperson shall appoint to the committee a minimum of two (2) members. The committee shall monitor and make recommendations regarding racially and ethnically diverse participation and issues in all levels of Association programs and governance.

5.4.3 Insurance Committee The President and Chairperson of the Personnel Policies Committee (Negotiations) shall be members of this committee.The Chairperson shall appoint a minimum of two (2) members. This committee shall study all aspects of current and proposed insurance benefits. Its role shall be to keep members informed about options and to provide a forum for members to receive information about their benefits. 

5.4.4 Teacher Action Committee The Chairperson shall appoint to the committee a minimum of two members. This committee shall work for the Association in presenting the Association's viewpoints to officials of government, encouraging knowledgeable participation in governmental affairs by educators, disseminating information pertinent to educational legislation among the membership and attending legislative hearings and constituents' meetings. This committee shall liaison with CEA and NEA representatives to coordinate local governmental and legislative-action activities and opportunities. This committee shall work to build relationships with other local labor organizations and act as Association liaison.

5.4.5 Membership Committee The Chairperson shall appoint to the committee at least one (1) additional member. This committee shall enroll members in the Association, keep all membership records and files in order at the Association office, and share copies of membership forms with Human Resources at BBAC and with CEA in a timely manner. This committee shall keep the Association’s membership roster up-to-date on a monthly basis, share updated rosters with CEA in a timely manner, and report total figures to the Executive Board on a monthly basis. Any discrepancies and/or issues must be immediately reported to the President and Executive Board.

5.4.6 Organizing Committee  The Chairperson shall appoint to the committee a minimum of four (4) members. This committee shall engage members in professional and social activities, with the goal of creating and promoting positive union activities and increasing member participation. Its role shall be to organize a minimum of two events/ activities per school year exclusive of the Teacher Appreciation dinner in May (see Public Relations Internal). 

5.4.7 Personnel Policies Committee (Negotiations) The President and the Vice President shall be members of this committee. The committee Chairperson shall appoint additional members. This committee shall represent the Association before the Administration and the Board of Education in studies and negotiations concerning salaries and other conditions of employment of professional personnel.

5.4.8 Professional Rights and Responsibilities Committee (Grievance) The President and the Vice President shall be members of this committee. The Chairperson shall appoint four (4) additional members. This committee shall process individual and/or class action professional problems in the area of grievance. 

5.4.9 Public Relations Internal The Chairperson shall appoint to the committee a minimum of four (4) members. This committee shall use, and continue to develop, channels of communication within the Association and the profession to keep the membership informed of teaching related concerns and promote social events and opportunities. The committee shall coordinate, in addition to other events assigned by the President, the annual CEA regional Retirement Workshop in March, and the annual Teacher Appreciation Dinner in May.

5.4.10 Professional Development and Evaluation Committee The Chairperson, or Co-Chairpersons, shall appoint to the

committee a minimum of four (4) members. This committee shall work for the development, adoption and implementation of appropriate instruments and methods for the improvement of education through effective teacher evaluation. This committee shall aid in matters of professional growth and in-service training at the district PDEC Committee level.

5.4.11 Health & Safety Committee This committee shall develop a working relationship with district and City of Danbury officials to ensure all work sites have properly working HVAC systems. This committee will seek permission from principals to inspect school building sites to ensure HVAC systems are in compliance.

Article 6. Representative Council: Powers and Duties Of Representative Council 

  6.1 The Representative Council shall: 

6.1.1 Serve as the legislative body of the Association and determine its general policy.

6.1.2 Transact any and all business of the Association except that excluded by this Constitution and its Bylaws.

6.1.3 Take action on the nominations of persons to chair standing committees.

6.1.4 Take action on the annual budget as presented by the Treasurer and authorize any additional expenditures not included in the budget. 

6.1.5 Approve or disapprove the final draft of the proposal for contractual agreement negotiations with the Board of Education as presented by the Personnel Policies Committee. 

Article 7. Nominations and Elections 

7.1 The Vice President shall chair and appoint a minimum of four (4) members to serve on the Nominations and Elections Committee.

7.2 This committee shall be charged with supervising and/or conducting all voting and balloting by the General Membership.

7.2.1 If the Vice President is a candidate for reelection, he/she will recuse himself/herself from the collection and counting of ballots.

7.3 The Nominations and Election Committee shall meet each year. It shall: 

7.3.1 Be representative of all levels of the Association. 

7.3.2 Inform the Executive Board of the nominations for elected offices by the first Wednesday of February.

7.3.3 Add to the list of nominees those names submitted by written petition. Such petitions shall be signed by no less than twenty-five (25) active members and submitted to the Nominations and Elections Committee by the third Wednesday of February.

7.3.4 Present the slate of nominees for office to the membership at least one week before the election.

7.3.5 Hold the election no later than the second Wednesday of March. 

7.3.6 If the number of candidates certified equals the number of positions to be filled, the Nominations and Elections Committee shall declare such candidates elected.

7.3.7 Inform in person or via email the Executive Board of the nominations for                         delegates to the CEA and the NEA Representative Assemblies by mid February.

7.3.8 Present the slate of nominees for delegates to the membership at least one week prior to the election. 

7.3.9 Hold the election no later than the second Wednesday of March.

7.3.10 If the number of candidates certified equals the number of positions to be filled, the Nominations and Elections Committee shall declare such candidates elected. 


Article 8. Delegates. 

Delegates to the CEA and the NEA Representative Assemblies shall be chosen by open nomination for a one-year term except where noted in this Constitution and its Bylaws. 

Article 9. Removal of Officers. 

Executive Officers of the Association may be impeached for violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession for misfeasance, for malfeasance or for nonfeasance in office. 

9.1 Impeachment proceedings against any officer may be initiated by a written petition submitted to the Representative Council by at least fifteen percent (15%) of the Representative Council members.

9.2 After a due process hearing, a two-thirds vote of the Representative Council membership shall sustain the charge, the office becomes vacant. 

Article 10. Bonding. 

The Treasurer and the President of the Association shall be bonded in such amounts as are deemed necessary.  

Article 11. Finances. 

11.1 The fiscal year of the Association shall run from August 31 through the next August 30. 

11.2 The Treasurer shall present the proposed budget at the May meeting of the Representative Council, and direct Building Chairs to post current and proposed budgets in each unit before the June Representative Council meeting.

11.3 The Representative Council shall approve the annual budget at a June meeting. Approval shall be by two-thirds majority of those present and voting. 


Articles 12. Standards. 

The Association shall: 

12.1 Apply the one person-one vote principle for representation on its governing bodies except that the Association shall take such steps as are legally permissible to achieve ethnic minority representation at least proportionate to its ethnic minority members. 

12.2 Conduct all elections with open nominations and a secret ballot. 

12.3 Ensure all Representative Council and General Meetings are open to all active members of the Association. 

12.4 Permit guests at Representative Council and General Meetings at the discretion of the President. 

12.5 Endeavor to secure equal representation from all segments of the membership on all committees. 

Article 13. Waivers. 

Any provision of these Bylaws found in contradiction to Connecticut Education Association (CEA) or National Education Association (NEA) requirements that could result in disaffiliation by the CEA or NEA may be waived and operating procedures established to bring the Association into compliance by two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Board. Such waiver and operating procedures shall remain in effect until these Bylaws have been duly changed. 

Article 14. Amendments. 

These Bylaws may be amended by the Representative Council with a two-thirds majority of those present and voting. Amendments may be proposed by any Representative Council member. Amendments shall be proposed at one regular meeting and voted on at the next regular meeting. Proposed amendments shall be distributed to the general membership at least two weeks before the Representative Council vote. 


Rules and Procedures


1. The balloting in each unit shall be conducted by the unit’s building chairperson or designee. 

2. Each unit’s building chairperson shall be provided with a list of eligible voters in the unit. Only those members in good standing may vote.

3. Ballots shall be delivered in envelopes which shall serve as ballot boxes. 

4. The unit’s building chairperson or designee(s) shall hand a ballot to each eligible voter on the list. The voter shall mark the ballot immediately and place it in the ballot box. The unit’s building chairperson or designee(s) shall then indicate on the list of voters that the voter has cast a ballot. 

5. When all voters who are eligible and present have been given the opportunity to vote, the list of voters shall be placed in the ballot box, which shall then be sealed. 

6. All ballot boxes shall be delivered to a place and by a time designated by the Vice President or designee.

7. Ballots shall be counted by the Nominations and Elections Committee and/or other Association members designated by the Chairperson.

8. Any Association member may be present at any stage of this procedure.

9. The official tally shall be reported by the Nominations and Elections Committee to the President as soon as feasible. The President shall then inform the membership.

10. The numerical results of the NEA-Danbury election of Executive officers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) shall be made available to all units. Candidates for Delegate Positions shall be informed of their vote total at their request.

11. At the next regular Representative Council Meeting, the Chairperson of the Nominations and Elections Committee shall move the acceptance of the balloting results. All ballots and election results shall be retained until September 1st of the year following the election year, after which the ballots may be destroyed.

12. All balloting shall take place on the day before and the day designated for the return of ballots.

13. No votes shall be cast in absentia.

14. Questions of eligibility for voting shall be decided by the Membership Committee Chairperson. 

15. No candidate for elected office or delegate to the CEA or the NEA Representative Assemblies shall serve as a teller. 


1. Elections of representatives, who must be in good standing with the Association, shall take place between May 15 and the last day of school in that school calendar year. Date of elections and results are to be communicated to the Secretary no later than the last day of school in that calendar year. An open nominations procedure shall be followed. Voting shall be by any method acceptable to the members of the unit. Elected Representatives shall assume their duties at the first meeting of the Representative Council in the next school calendar year. Vacancies shall be filled by elected alternates. If no alternates are available, a special election shall be held.

2. It is recommended that there be at least one elected alternate for each two Representatives.

3. The Representatives shall: 

3.1 Represent the unit at Representative Council meetings.

3.2 Notify an alternate when unable to attend. 

3.3 Keep the unit membership informed of Association business.

3.4 Distribute or post Association related materials and information.

           3.5 Serve as a member of the Advisory Committee to the Principal of that unit.

3.6 Participate in the election of one of the unit representatives to be the unit’s building chairperson.

4. The Unit’s Building Chairperson shall: 

4.1 Conduct all balloting in the unit. 

4.2 Call meetings of the unit as needed, but no less than once a month, or upon the request of at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the unit membership. 

4.3 Be responsible for providing the President of NEA-Danbury and the ACS chair with the minutes of the unit advisory committee meetings. 


Contractual Agreement Negotiations 

1. Proposal 

1.1 The Personnel Policies Committee (Negotiations) shall hold a series of hearings at which Association members may present their suggestions for the proposal. A written copy of each suggestion shall be given to the committee.

1.2 Upon completion of the hearings, the committee shall draw up the proposal. 

2. Acceptance 

2.1 Within ten (10) school days after an agreement (not reached through arbitration) the Personnel Policies Committee (Negotiations) shall present to the General Membership at a meeting(s) called for that purpose, the tentatively accepted contractual agreement conditions.

2.2 Voting by members in good standing to accept or reject the proposed contractual agreement will take place within five (5) school days following the ratification meeting(s). Ratification will be by a majority of votes cast. 

Endorsement of Political Candidates 

1. Teacher Action Committee shall: 

1.1 Meet during the month of August or September to prepare and mail questionnaires to the candidates for public office. Questionnaires shall solicit views on education and teacher related issues. 

1.2 Arrange for forums, meetings or socials with the candidates when feasible. 

1.3 Consider the candidates' replies to the questionnaires, public statements, position papers and other candidate information.

1.4 Provide the membership with summaries of the information gathered. 

1.5 Vote to recommend endorsement or non-endorsement of any or all of the candidates considered. A position need not be taken on every candidate.

1.6 Meet with the Executive Board, which after hearing the rationale of the Teacher Action Committee, to vote to recommend to the Representative Council either endorsement or non-endorsement of candidates. A position need not be taken on every candidate. 

2. Unit Representatives shall ascertain the views of constituents on the question of endorsement or non-endorsement of candidates. 

3. The Representative Council shall consider each candidate individually. Recommendation for endorsement or non-endorsement shall be by a two-thirds vote of the Representative Council membership.

4. The result of the Representative Council vote shall become the official endorsement of NEA-Danbury. 



The Executive Board shall select annually an auditor to examine all accounts     of the Association and render a written report to the Representative Council. 


Rules, procedures and definitions may be amended by the Representative Council by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting. Amendments may be moved by any member of the Representative Council. 



Ethnic minority: Ethnic minority shall mean those persons designated as an ethnic minority by statistics published by the United States Bureau of Census. 

Ex officio: Ex officio shall mean by virtue of office. This designation shall carry with it the right to vote except as otherwise provided. 

Endorsement of candidate: Endorsement of candidate shall mean a recommendation that active members vote for a particular candidate. 

Levels: Levels shall mean elementary, middle school and high school. 

Non-endorsement of candidate: Non-endorsement of candidate shall mean a recommendation that active members vote against a particular candidate. 

Open-nomination procedure: Open-nomination procedure shall mean that every NEA-Danbury member shall have the opportunity to run for an elected position. 

One-person, one-vote principle: One-person, one-vote principle shall mean a voting procedure by which the vote of each member of the constituency has equal weight. 

Regular meeting-Executive Board meeting: Regular meeting- Executive Board meeting shall mean the meeting held on the first Wednesday of any month. 

Regular meeting-Representative Council meeting: Regular meeting- Representative Council meeting shall mean the meeting held the second Wednesday of any month. 

Secret ballot: Secret ballot shall mean a procedure for voting which allows a voter to cast a ballot in secrecy. 


Qualified: Qualified shall mean any active member who has been duly elected or appointed as an officer, chairperson, representative or alternate. 

Unit: Unit shall mean the building at which a member is assigned by Human Resources for payroll purposes. 


NEA Danbury

E. Daly / Webmaster


NEA of Danbury webmasters seek to ensure that all content and information published at this website is current and accurate. In addition, the webmasters cannot be held responsible for the contents of any externally linked pages or individual sites. Some images are credited to google images.

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