Legislative Issues and Political Action
Help us Represent Your Voice in the Legislative Process
The decisions that most impact our profession are being made in the federal and state legislative sessions.
It’s important for educators to be as involved with politics as the politicians have been involved in education. It is critical for us to let our elected officials know our views on the issues introduced in each legislative session.
NEA Danbury Political Action Committee members testify in Hartford regarding proper funding of our Danbury Public Schools. We can't invest in other schools until we fully fund the schools that we have now. State Senator Julie Kushner (pictured in this photo,) is always an ardent support of Danbury Public Schools and a friend to labor.
Please take a few minutes to write, call or email your elected officials. Phone calls and short written letters have the most impact. The web link below will take you to the web page for the Connecticut State Legislative session. You can look up the bills introduced in both the state house and senate. You can also look up your elected officials and their contact information.
Above: State Representative Farley Santos with NEA Danbury President Erin Daly and Member and Social Committee Chairperson, Curtis Darragh
Below: NEA Danbury President Erin Daly with State Senator Julie Kushner
United States Representative Jahana Hayes with NEA Danbury President, Erin Daly
Here are some topics to use to help you write testimony for the state education hearings. These can also be mailed to your local legislators with the request that they contact their colleagues on the State Education Committee.
STUDENT SUCCESS - both academics
Address Air quality issues and pro
Replace AYP with authentic accountability systems
Use multiple, valid sources as evidence of student growth
Support standards and assessments that address the unique instructional needs of students with disabilities and English Language Learners
Teachers and staff must be provided with supports and resources to help students succeed
Foster complete systems for induction, mentoring and Professional Development for educators
Provide adequate, equitable funding for schools- fully fund Title I and IDEA